Term 3 has been such an awesome experience for me. My top 3 highlights were going to tech, playing rugby and learning different kinds of sports.
At tech, we learn things such as: drawing techniques (graphics) to making alarms (electronics). Last week was our last week with Mr Dewan (science). Our new subject is hopefully cooking with Mrs Heka! Science was full of fascinating experiments and exciting practicals! I wish I could do it again.
At tech, we learn things such as: drawing techniques (graphics) to making alarms (electronics). Last week was our last week with Mr Dewan (science). Our new subject is hopefully cooking with Mrs Heka! Science was full of fascinating experiments and exciting practicals! I wish I could do it again.
During the past few weeks, we have been having sporting lessons. This term included us learning certain techniques for badminton and AFL (Australian Football League)/Kiwi Kick. Specky's, low marks, high marks and many more are just a few of the many techniques we learnt to do. Its quite fun.
Playing rugby was a major highlight for me! Tackling and fending people off is something I enjoy doing. When I play rugby, I feel as if I’m invincible. Although we didn’t win many games this season, I’m proud that we won at least one game. What was better was that we had won this game 95- 0!
Term 3 has certainly been a term to remember but I can't wait til next term!