Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Blog Wordle

In extension Mrs. Burt showed us a website called Wordle. Wordle is a website that can show you a bunch of words and text that you have typed up and give you an idea of what visitors see when they visit your blog. Wordle also shows you what type of words you use the most and words that you use the least of. As you can see one of the words I've used the most is "New Zealand", and one of the words I've used the least is "built".


Seini-Mino said...

Hi Sela
That is some good work you have done with Wordle.It is like a flowers that are made out of words. Good Job From Seini-Mino

Paulitia said...

Hi there Sela
Very interesting wordle you have. It seems like you write heaps about New Zealand. Anyway your wordle is very cool. keep up the great work.

From Paulitia